About Me

I’m a 19-year-old dev from Quebec, Canada. I believe open source code is very important for a healthy developer ecosystem, as well as just for promoting transparency. The large majority of my time doing programming is spent contributing to open source projects. I frequently contribute to many projects and am always looking to do more for the open source community!

The rest of my time is spent either on my school work or social media. Currently, I am pursuing Computer Science. I’m hoping to get a degree in it before continuing on into the industry. I don’t have a clear idea of what I plan on doing, other than that I want to do programming. I will probably do whatever seems the most interesting at the time.

My Experience

I primarily work as a backend developer and focus on applications running on the JVM. My two main languages are Kotlin and Java, but I also have experience working with many other programming languages.
I have experience in LaTeX, which I use for typesetting documents for school.
I also use Bash and Zsh on a regular basis, as I work mostly on a Linux system and use it to effectively do many of my tasks.

While I do primarily work in Kotlin and Java, I also have experience working with all the following languages:

Kotlin Java Groovy Bash LabVIEW LaTeX JavaScript TypeScript NodeJS Python C# HTML CSS Sass Less GraphQL

You can find me working on various types of projects. But from Minecraft mod/plugin development to Discord bots, I usually work on backend oriented projects as opposed to front end ones.

Here are some of the tools I use to get my work done day-to-day:

IntelliJ CLion WebStorm Android Studio Visual Studio Code Linux Debian Linux Ubuntu Linux Arch Linux Unity Bootstrap Raspberry Pi Jenkins FreeNAS Cloudflare Linode GitHub GitLab Stack Exchange Stack Overflow

And here are some of the technologies I use in my projects and have experience working with:

Gradle Maven npm Webpack Git nginx Android Docker MySQL MariaDB PostgreSQL MongoDB SQLite


Here is a list of a few of the projects I have spent the most time working on:

Polyhedral Bot

Polybot is a discord bot for the Polyhedral Development discord server.

Repo 2 0


Voxel world generation modding platform

Repo 690 103

Kotlin Fuzzy

A zero-dependency Kotlin Multiplatform library for fuzzy string matching

Repo 12 1

Terra Default Config

Default configuration for Terra world generator

Repo 21 36

Exposed Migrations

A scuffed utility library for JetBrains Exposed to support migrations

Languages: Kotlin: 100.0%

Repo 3 0


SLF4K is a set of kotlin extensions for SLF4J

Languages: Kotlin: 100.0%

Repo 2 0

KSP Service Annotation

A KSP annotation processor to automatically generate service files for services annotated with @Service

Languages: Kotlin: 100.0%

Repo 1 0


A library for parsing and comparing version strings

Repo 3 2